Buzz-worthy Wasp Puns: 220 Hilarious and Stinging Jokes to Make You Laugh

Punsteria Team
wasp puns

Are you looking for a way to inject some humor into your day? Look no further than this collection of buzz-worthy wasp puns! From clever wordplay to stinging jokes, these puns are sure to make you laugh and maybe even appreciate these pesky insects a little more. With over 200 puns to choose from, you’ll have plenty of material to add some levity to your conversations. So why not have a little fun with these buzzing creatures and check out these hilarious wasp puns today?

“Stingingly Hilarious Wasp Puns” (Editors Pick)

1. Why did the wasp put on sunscreen? To keep from getting a wasp burn!

2. Did you hear about the wasp that stubbed his toe? He let out a yellowjacket!

3. Why are wasps always on time? Because they’re always buzzing around!

4. What do you call a crazy wasp? A buzzzy!

5. How do wasps keep their hair looking good? Hive conditioner!

6. Why don’t wasps share their food? Because they’re stingy!

7. Why did the wasp cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

8. What do you call a police wasp? A buzz-tice!

9. What did the wasp say when it dropped out of the tree? I beelieve I can fly!

10. What do you call a wasp that lives in the ocean? A sea-bee!

11. Why did the wasp take a job at the airport? For the yellow fringe benefits!

12. Why was the wasp’s favorite Olympic event the high jump? Because they could feel at home up high!

13. What do wasps use to communicate with each other? Beeper phones!

14. What do you get when you cross a wasp with a rat? A buzz-inga!

15. What do you call a wasp that’s good at ping pong? A stinger pong!

16. Why did the wasp go to the gym? To work on it’s buzz-ceps!

17. What do you call a wasp with a drinking problem? A buzz-kill!

18. Why did the wasp go to the hair salon? To get a honeycomb!

19. What do you call a wasp that helps you catch a ride? A hitch-hik-buzz!

20. How do wasps listen to music? Through their stingers!

Buzz-worthy Wasp Puns: Stinging One-Liners

1. I heard the wasp queen doesn’t fly economy. She prefers buzz class.
2. The wasp comedian’s jokes always had a sting to them.
3. Did you hear about the wasp that won the spelling bee? Apparently it knew how to locust.
4. I’m convinced that wasps are just bees with anger issues.
5. Why are wasps always so well-dressed? They have a yellow jacket, of course.
6. What do you call an insect that bites your tongue? A wasp in sheep’s clothing.
7. I gave my pet wasp a name, but he didn’t seem to respond to it. I guess you could say he wasp-erceptive.
8. If a wasp told you they were going to sting you, would you bee-lieve them?
9. Why don’t wasps get along with other insects? They’re too busy hive-fiving each other.
10. I tried to have a conversation with a wasp, but all they did was drone on and on.
11. A wasp walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender said, “Sorry, we don’t serve stingers here.”
12. Why was the wasp invited to play on the baseball team? They were an expert at catching flies.
13. The wasp chef’s signature dish was honey glazed salmon-ella.
14. What did the wasp say to the fly as it was getting ready to eat it? “Bee afraid, bee very afraid.”
15. Why did the wasp go to the dentist? It needed a buzz extraction.
16. Did you hear about the wasp that went on a diet? It just couldn’t seem to shed the buzz.
17. I tried to use a bee pun with a wasp, but they just looked at me like I was winging it.
18. I was going to make a wasp joke, but I don’t want to insect anyone.
19. You know what they say about a wasp’s favorite type of music? B-uzz rock.
20. A wasp was feeling lonely, so it decided to join a hive mind.

Buzzworthy Bangers: Wasp-tastic Question-and-Answer Puns

1. What do you call a wasp that’s always angry? A wasp-erpetually upset!
2. Why did the wasp go to the therapist? To talk about its stinger-issues!
3. How do wasps keep in shape? They do a lot of buzz-curls!
4. What did the wasp say to the fly? Buzz off!
5. Why don’t wasps play cards? They always sting some-ace!
6. What do you get when you cross a wasp and a comedian? The buzz of laughing!
7. Why was the wasp so good at basketball? Because of its great sting-terception skills!
8. What did the wasp say to the flea? I’m having a drone party, want to come!
9. How do you kill a wasp with kindness? Give it a hive five!
10. What do you call a wasp that likes rock music? A buzz-saw!
11. Why do wasps like salsa music? They enjoy the buzz!
12. Why don’t wasps donate blood? They’re afraid of the needle-sting!
13. What did one wasp say to the other wasp? “I stung a human today, it was a buzz-kill.”
14. Why did the wasp go to the doctor? For its buzz-iness check-up!
15. How do wasps become wealthy? Through pollen-vestments!
16. What do you call a wasp that can sing? Sting Crosby!
17. How do you make a wasp happy? Give it a buzzzy rub!
18. What did the angry wasp say to the bee? “Buzz off, you honey thief!”
19. Why did the wasp refuse to watch sunsets? It didn’t want to see anything colorful without a stinger!
20. How do wasps send holiday greetings? With buzz-iness cards!

Stinging Wit: Double Entendre Wasp Puns

1. Did you hear about the wasp who got lost in a corn maze? He said it was a-maize-ing!
2. What do you call a wasp with a bad attitude? A buzz kill!
3. Did you hear about the wasp that went on a diet? It became a waif wasp.
4. What do you call a wasp that’s always getting lost? A stray-p.
5. Did you hear about the wasp that fell in love with a popcorn kernel? It was love at first bite!
6. Why did the wasp refuse to drink wine? He heard it was fermented grape-vinegar!
7. What do you call a wasp that’s good at math? An alge-braic-chew.
8. Why did the wasp go to the drugstore? To buy some sting-aid.
9. Did you hear about the wasp who didn’t want to work for the queen anymore? He wanted some independence-ence.
10. What do you call a wasp that loves to play the guitar? Sting!
11. Why did the wasp get kicked out of the bee hive? He was causing too much buzz.
12. What do you call a wasp that’s always borrowing money? A loan-in-wasp.
13. When a wasp goes to the doctor, what does he say? Doc, I’m feeling a little bugged!
14. What do you call a wasp that’s good at karate? A black-winged fighter.
15. Why did the wasp wear a tuxedo to the party? He wanted to be the buzz of the ball!
16. Did you hear about the wasp who only ate organic? He was a hipster-hornet.
17. What do you call a wasp that’s always singing? A croon-in wasp.
18. Why did the wasp get a job as a hairdresser? He heard he could make some good buzz during the summer season.
19. What do you call a wasp who loves to cook? A sauté-brute.
20. Why did the wasp cross the road? To get to the other hive!

Wasp-tastic Wordplay: Buzzing with Wasp Puns in Idioms

1. “Don’t get too buzzed or you might get stung by the wasp.”
2. “He’s as busy as a wasp in a hive.”
3. “She was stung by the realization that she was a wasp in sheep’s clothing.”
4. “Don’t let anger make you act like a wasp without a stinger.”
5. “The wasp may be small, but it sure packs a buzz.”
6. “The wasp’s nest was a hive of activity.”
7. “I’m feeling waspy today, better watch out.”
8. “She has a waspish attitude that’s hard to ignore.”
9. “The wasps started to swarm when the picnic came out.”
10. “The wasp’s intentions were as clear as black and yellow stripes.”
11. “He took the criticism like a sting from a wasp.”
12. “Her humor was as sharp as a wasp’s stinger.”
13. “The wasp’s nest was a hotbed of controversy.”
14. “The wasp may have a tough exterior, but it’s still delicate on the inside.”
15. “He had a wasp in his bonnet about the issue.”
16. “Once you anger a wasp, there’s no going back.”
17. “She’s as sweet as honey, but don’t cross her or she’ll sting like a wasp.”
18. “The wasp’s buzz was louder than a hornet’s nest at dawn.”
19. “The wasp’s nest was a breeding ground for trouble.”
20. “The wasp was the queen of the backyard kingdom.”

Flying High with Wasp Puns (Pun Juxtaposition)

1. Why did the wasp go on a diet? Because it was feeling a bit waspish.
2. Did you hear about the wasp that accidentally flew into a vegan restaurant? It got thrown out by the soy chef.
3. What do you call a wasp who knows how to play guitar? Sting.
4. Why did the wasp go to the basketball game? To see Kobe Buzz Ant.
5. Why are wasps such good dancers? They always know how to find the hive-beat.
6. What do you call a wasp that’s always late? A beep bzz.
7. Why did the wasp go to the therapist? It was having a buzz-identity crisis.
8. Did you hear about the wasp that became a website designer? It was really good at designing beehives.
9. What do you call a wasp who is always complaining? A buzz kill.
10. Why did the wasp go to the beach? To get a tan…gerine wings.
11. What do you call a wasp with a sore throat? A hoarse-fly.
12. Why do wasps love to play poker? They’re always looking for a good sting.
13. What do you call a wasp that can’t make up its mind? An indebee-sive.
14. Why are wasps always picked last for sports teams? Because they’re such buzz-kills.
15. Why did the wasp go to the art museum? It wanted to see the bzzz-aro art.
16. What do you call a wasp who’s really good at science? Ein-stein.
17. Why did the wasp want to be a singer? It heard that the buzz was fantastic on stage.
18. What do you call a wasp with a PhD in sociology? Wasp-ethnologist.
19. Why did the wasp need to borrow some money? It had missed its beehive payments.
20. What do wasps listen to on their iPods? Bee-tles.

Stinging Humor: Wasp Puns Abuzz!

1. Sting Rae
2. Buzz Aldrin
3. Wasp Hopper
4. Stinger Bell
5. Honey Bee Arthur
6. Yellow Jacket Jackson
7. Buzz Lightyear
8. Hornet Howard
9. Queen Bee Theresa
10. Hum Buzzinger
11. Bumble B. Johnson
12. Stung Lee
13. Wasp Waller
14. Bees Knees Bentley
15. Wasp Wick
16. Honeycomb Hays
17. Buzzworthy Brown
18. Stingo Starr
19. Wasp Walters
20. Sting McQueen

Stinging Spoonerism Fun with Wasp Puns!

1. Swasps and bizzards
2. Pasp wuns
3. Waspitively punny
4. Quasps and jueens
5. Pwetty wasps
6. Twanslucent stwingers
7. Buzzing waspness
8. Wasping around
9. Fwaspy wangs
10. Ywellow and bwack stwipers
11. Buzzy bumblebees
12. Hwoney-pweserving insects
13. Winged stwingers
14. Stingy waspings
15. Bug buzz
16. Bwinging a little waspness to your day
17. Stwinging puns
18. Yellow-jacketed jokes
19. Insect humor
20. Swarming with puns.

Stinging Humor: Witty Wasp Tom Swifties!

1. “That wasp is quite the nag,” said Tom waspishly.
2. “I can’t stand the sting of a wasp,” Tom said painfully.
3. “I’ll never forget my wasp encounter,” Tom said memorably.
4. I think that wasp has a sweet tooth,” Tom said honeyedly.
5. “Let me tell you about my latest wasp discovery,” Tom said scientifically.
6. “I’m trying to avoid wasps,” Tom said evasively.
7. “I don’t like the look of that wasp,” said Tom suspiciously.
8. “I was stung by a wasp,” Tom said painfully.
9. “I’m afraid of wasps,” Tom said fearfully.
10. “That wasp nest is huge,” Tom said awfully.
11. “I wonder what the wasp’s favorite color is,” Tom said yellowishly.
12. “I’ll just stay still and hope the wasp doesn’t notice me,” Tom said motionlessly.
13. “I can’t believe that wasp sting actually feels good,” Tom said oddly.
14. “I feel like that wasp sting may have given me superpowers,” Tom said heroically.
15. “I think that wasp is trying to communicate with me,” Tom said buzzingly.
16. “I’ve been stung by so many wasps, I feel like I’m turning into one,” Tom said insectly.
17. “I’m going to avoid that wasp nest like the plague,” Tom said wisely.
18. The sound of that wasp is driving me insane,” Tom said buzzingly.
19. “I’m going to catch that wasp and turn it into a work of art,” Tom said artistically.
20. “I’m going to become a wasp expert,” said Tom stingingly.

Stinging Wordplay: Oxymoronic Wasp Puns

1. Why did the wasp join the team? For the sting camaraderie.
2. Did you hear about the friendly wasp? It’s a buzzkill, I know.
3. What do you call a wasp that loves comedy? A jester sting.
4. Why did the wasp refuse to join the beekeeping association? It didn’t want to be a buzzword.
5. What do you say to a wasp with aches and pains? “Sting much?”
6. Did you hear about the wasp with a PhD? It’s a buzzardly accomplishment.
7. What do you call a wasp with musical talent? A buzzician.
8. What do you call a group of wasps with high intellect? Ein-stings.
9. Why did the wasp get kicked out of the dance floor? It kept buzzin’ around.
10. Did you hear about the rich wasp? It’s a stink-sting operation.
11. What do you say to a wasp who’s always buzzing about the latest fashion trends? “You’re quite the buzz-wear.”
12. Why did the wasp become an entrepreneur? It wanted to bring new buzz-ness to the market.
13. What do you call a wasp with a sense of humor? A jester sting.
14. Why was the wasp afraid of the dark? It didn’t want to get buzz-killed.
15. Did you hear about the wasp band that broke up? They just couldn’t get their buzz together.
16. What silly thing did the wasp say? “Buzz off!”
17. Why did the wasp get a ticket? It was caught buzz-drunk driving.
18. What do you call a wasp that’s always in a rush? A sting-ster.
19. Why was the wasp such a good artist? It had a stinger for detail.
20. Did you hear about the wasp that loved yoga? It was always buzzing about its chak-stings.

Hive Got Puns for Days (Recursive Wasp Pun-derings)

1. Why did the wasp wear a tiny backpack? Because he was going on a sting operation.
2. Did you hear about the wasp who finally got accepted into flight school? He was buzzing with excitement.
3. What do you call a wasp who is always on the go? A buzz-y bee.
4. How does a wasp like to sleep? In hive-bernation.
5. What kind of music do wasps listen to? Hive-hoppin’ beats.
6. Why did the wasp go to the hair salon? To get a buzz cut.
7. What do you call a group of wasps playing music together? A string quartet…of stingers.
8. Why did the wasp poetry club disband? Because all the rhymes were just too drone-ful.
9. How do wasps communicate with each other? Via buzz-zwords.
10. What’s a wasp’s favorite genre of book? Buzz-iness self-help.
11. Why did the wasp rob the bank? He needed to make a bee-line for the nearest nectar store.
12. What do you call a wasp in a fancy suit? A buzz-iness man.
13. How does a wasp chef like to season his food? With a little bit of swarming cayenne pepper.
14. Why did the wasp break up with his girlfriend? He said their relationship was going down the hive-heel.
15. How does a wasp like to take his coffee? With a little bit of honey.
16. Why did the wasp monk leave the monastery? He said it was just too droneful.
17. What do you call a wasp who is always trying to win arguments? A buzz-kill.
18. How did the wasp get through college? He had a lot of buzz-studying.
19. Why did the wasp run for political office? He wanted to create a buzz in the community.
20. What do wasps do when they’re not feeling well? They buzz off work and hive a seat at home.

Buzzing with Laughter: Wasp Puns That Sting with Humor!

1. I was feeling fly until a wasp interrupted my buzz.
2. I’m trying to make a bee-line out of here before I get stung by a wasp.
3. Wasp there something I missed?
4. A wasp flew into my house and I was like, “buzz off!”
5. When it comes to wasps, I always say “live and let hive.”
6. I was afraid of wasps but then I learned to bee-lieve in myself.
7. That wasp is so bold, they have a stinger named after Beyonce – the “fierce stinger.”
8. If you’re not careful, a wasp’s sting can be quite humbling.
9. When it comes to wasps, it’s always better to be safe than swarm-y.
10. My mom used to say “you catch more bees with honey,” but I guess the same goes for wasps.
11. If you want to avoid wasps, just wing it and hope for the best.
12. Bees help to pollinate our crops, but wasps are just un-bee-lievable.
13. That wasp is so busy, they make ants look lazy.
14. When life gives you lemons, sometimes it also gives you a wasp nest.
15. The only thing worse than a wasp sting is a bee in your bonnet.
16. I was gonna make a pun with bees, but then I realized wasps are so much cooler – they even have badges.
17. I was feeling down and buzz-worthy until a wasp cheered me up with their terrible jokes.
18. The secret to getting rid of wasps is to remember the three Bs: buzz off, be gone, and bye-bye.
19. When it comes to painful stings, wasps don’t just take the cake, they buzz off with the whole bakery.
20. One time I tried to negotiate with a wasp, but they just kept buzzing and stinging their position.

In conclusion, we hope these buzz-worthy wasp puns brought a smile to your face and brightened up your day. If you’re hungry for more puns, don’t forget to check out other hilarious collections on our website. Thank you for stopping by and buzzing with us!

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Punsteria Team

We're the wordplay enthusiasts behind the puns you love. As lovers of all things punny, we've combined our passion for humor and wordplay to bring you Punsteria. Our team is dedicated to collecting and curating puns that will leave you laughing, groaning, and eager for more.