220 Out-of-this-World Alien Puns to Crack You Up

Punsteria Team
alien puns

Are you ready for some extraterrestrial fun? Look no further than these 200+ out-of-this-world alien puns that are sure to have you cracking up. Whether you’re a fan of classic sci-fi movies or just looking for a laugh, we’ve got you covered with puns that are truly out of this world. From puns about little green men to intergalactic wordplay, these jokes are bound to make your day a little brighter. So gather your friends, set your phasers to punny, and get ready to blast off into a laughter-filled adventure. Let’s explore the galaxy of alien puns together!

Out of This World Humor (Editors Pick)

1. Why did the alien marry the space rover? Because it was love at first flight.”
2. “Why don’t aliens eat planets? Because it’s time-consuming and there’s no drive-thru.”
3. “Why did the alien give up on his diet? Because he couldn’t resist the Milky Way.”
4. “Why don’t aliens play poker in space? Because there are too many cheetahs.”
5. “Why did the alien rob the bank? To get some space-cash.”
6. “Why did the alien visit the amusement park? To ride the Space-Ship Earth.
7. “Why did the alien want to borrow money from humans? For an Interstellar Loan.”
8. “Why don’t aliens tell jokes in space? Because no one can hear you laugh.
9. Why did the alien go to the doctor? He had a pain in his Uranus.”
10. “Why did the alien save Time magazine? It had a good article on Cyberspace.”
11. “Why did the alien visit Earth? They wanted a piece of our culture– specifically, the Milky Way Galaxy bars.”
12. “Why don’t aliens make good chefs? Because they always cook with their feet.
13. “Why did the alien win the game show? He had an astronomical score.”
14. “Why did the alien join a band? He knew how to play the Cosmic-guitar.”
15. “Why don’t aliens use social media? They don’t like being poked on Facebook.”
16. “Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She was too lunar-mental.”
17. “Why did the alien refuse to play Frisbee? Because every time he caught it, it was already half-way to another galaxy.”
18. “Why did the alien watch the news? To keep up-to-date with the current space-race.”
19. “Why did the alien want to be a comedian? He was sure he could Jupiter crowd with laughter.”
20. Why don’t aliens eat pizza? They prefer to get their fill of asteroids.”

Spaced-Out One-liners (Alien Puns)

1. Why don’t aliens like visiting our planet? It’s Earth-some.
2. What do you call a group of alien musicians? Cosmic players.
3. Why don’t aliens eat humans? It gives them a very Martian stomach.
4. How do aliens communicate with each other? They use their ET phones.
5. Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She was too spaced out.
6. What do you call an alien with three eyes? An aliiien.
7. Why did the alien refuse to eat tacos? He was afraid of getting a case of E.T. stomach.
8. How do aliens eat their food? In flying sauces.
9. What do you call a space creature that loves to tell jokes? A hilarious alien.
10. Why did the alien visit the dentist? He had a Martian toothache.
11. What did the alien say to the gas pump? Take your finger off the nozzle, you’ll set off my ship’s ignition.
12. How do aliens organize their day? Planetary.
13. Why did the alien visit the psychiatrist? He had interstellar stress.
14. Why do aliens love solving equations? They love cracking unexplained phenomenon.
15. What is an alien’s favourite food? Mars-shmallows.
16. Why did the alien go to the tailor? To have his spaceship fixed.
17. How do aliens stay on top of things? They rocket up their productivity.
18. What kind of music do aliens listen to? Neptun-tunes.
19. How do aliens keep their hair in place? With extra terrest-mousse.
20. Why did the alien cross the road? To get out of the space-port.

“All E.T. up: Quippy Q&A Puns for Your Alien Fix”

1. What do you call a group of aliens playing music together? A jam band-aldiers.
2. Why was the alien afraid to land on Earth? Because it was full of terrestrials.
3. What did the alien say to the garden? “Take me to your weeder.”
4. Why did the alien visit the dentist? He had a lot of “plaque-tell” spaceships.
5. How do aliens make phone calls? E.T. phone throne.
6. Why did the alien cross the road? To get to the Milky Way.
7. Why did the alien refuse to eat humans? He was on an “intelligent-life” diet.
8. What do alien chefs use to make great food? A flying saucer-pan.
9. Why did the alien spacecraft refuse to land on Earth? Because the atmosphere was “out-of-this-world.”
10. What do you call an alien’s weapon? A ray gun-ion.
11. Why did the alien start writing poetry? He wanted to be an “extraterrestrial” poet.
12. Why did the alien refuse to leave his spaceship? He was afraid of the “Earth-shattering” experience.
13. What do you call an alien who loves a good joke? A “little green giggle”.
14. Why did the alien feel lonely in space? Because he was a-lone-y.
15. What did the Martian say when he saw a good movie? “It was out of this world.”
16. Why was the alien wearing a coat? Because it was a little “cosmic” outside.
17. Why did the alien visit the beach? He wanted to “planet” in the sand.
18. What did the alien say to the farmer who was chasing him? “Take me to your weeder.”
19. Why did the alien jump on his spacecraft? Because the planet was about to burst.
20. What did the astronaut say when he saw an alien? U-n-i-q-u-e.

Beam Me Up, Pun-ny Aliens! (Double Entendre Puns on Alien Humor)

1. Did you hear about the alien who explored Uranus?
2. What do you call a group of aliens that love to party? Starfleet!
3. I think aliens are great at math because they understand intergalactic proportions.
4. Why do aliens love cows? They like to find moosic in unexpected places.
5. What do you call an alien that’s just a little too curious? A little green-eyed.
6. Aliens don’t need to be concerned with eating because they’re always out of this world.
7. Did you know that aliens are always up for a game of celestial hopscotch?
8. What do you call an alien detective who always gets his man? A sleuth flying saucer.
9. What did the alien say to the astronaut when he was offered some space cake? I’ll have a slice of the moon cake, please.
10. Why do aliens always seem so glowing? Because they’re from another world!
11. What’s an alien’s favorite dance? The moon walk, of course!
12. Why did the alien research the human reproductive system? He was trying to find his probe-abilitites.
13. What do you call an alien who’s always in a hurry? A faster-than-light speed!
14. What would an alien say when he convinces you to date him? “I’m from Mars, but I’m out of this world.”
15. Aliens are always impressed by our technology, but they still think that the moons of Jupiter have better rings than I do!
16. What do you get when you cross an alien with a comedian? The laughing stock of the universe.
17. Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? He said she was too human-natured for him.
18. What’s an alien’s favorite burger topping? Flying saucers, of course!
19. Do you know why aliens hate circus performers? They think they’re in tents!
20. What do you call an alien pet that’s always spying? A UFO-lop.

Intergalactic Innuendos (Puns in Alien Idioms)

1. I’m not sure if aliens are bad drivers, but they do tend to space out.
2. Aliens are always up for a good probe-lem.
3. I don’t think aliens should stick their noses where they don’t belong.
4. Some aliens are out of this world when it comes to fashion.
5. Aliens always have a killer radiance.
6. Aliens never let social norms hold them back – they’re always reaching for the stars.
7. Aliens have a hard time fitting in because they’re always over the moon.
8. Some aliens are so advanced that they’ve got bright ideas that are off this planet.
9. Aliens are often metaphysical, but don’t worry, they’re not trying to warp your mind.
10. Aliens love to take what’s popular and put a spacey spin on it – they’re always taking things to another level.
11. Aliens don’t like to make assumptions, they prefer to take things at facehugger value.
12. Some aliens are natural-born leaders, but that doesn’t mean they’re ready to rule the galaxy.
13. Aliens are really into “cosmic” justice, but watch out, they can be harsh judges.
14. Aliens are always on the lookout for new planets – but they don’t like to be bossed around by anyone in the Milky Way.
15. Aliens have a lot of pull when it comes to technology – they can hack an atmosphere in no time.
16. Some aliens are really popular – you might say they’ve got a “tractor beam” on people’s attention.
17. For aliens, it’s not just about technology – they’ve got to have a good rapport with the locals.
18. Aliens can be really tough to figure out – they’re always phasing in and out of conversations.
19. Aliens are used to being on the move, so don’t be surprised if they’re always light years ahead of the rest of us.
20. Aliens are big on support – in a galaxy far far away, they call it “Mars tell all.”

Invasion of the Punters: Aliens and Pun Juxtapositions

1. Why don’t aliens get fat? Because they have a lot of stellar energy!
2. Why are aliens bad storytellers? They keep spacing out.
3. Did you hear about the alien that traveled to Earth in search of a cure for its homesickness? It finally found it…it was Mars Bars.
4. What do you call an alien that’s bad at math? A cal-cu-later.
5. Aliens are terrible at playing hide and seek. You can always spot them a milky way!
6. Why did the alien fail his music exam? He got a C (C major).
7. Why do aliens never visit Earth on Halloween? They’re allergic to Earth-nuts and Milky Ways!
8. Aliens never seem to get jokes. It’s as if they are laughing on a whole other planet.
9. What do you call a friendly alien race that never argues? Diplomatic-aliens.
10. Why do aliens only drink green tea? Because they love to be grounded.
11. What do you call an alien who’s really good at yoga? Sun salutation.
12. Why did the alien visit Earth in the winter? It was hoping to find a snow bank to deposit some neutrons.
13. Where does an alien go to get their hair done? Cosmic Cutz.
14. Why don’t aliens eat apples? They’re afraid of Adam’s comment.
15. Aliens got great vision, but they just can’t keep their eyes on Earth.
16. What do you call it when an alien applies to be an astronaut? A space application.
17. Why don’t aliens like spicy food? It burns their probes.
18. What is an alien’s favorite state in the US? Uranus.
19. Why did the alien watch cooking shows all day? He wanted to learn how to make Milky Ways.
20. What happened to the alien who met a famous Hollywood producer? He got cast in the sequel of E.T., titled E.T. Too.

Alien Abductions (Punny Names for Extraterrestrials)

1. E.T. the Extra Toe-rrist
2. Mars-hall Mathers
3. Star Trek Spock-tacular
4. Xenomorphin’ Griffin
5. The Alpha Centauri-sa
6. Marvin the Martian-Man
7. The Andromeda Strain-sia
8. Time to get Sirius-hus
9. Out of This World Wilson
10. Invasion of the Body-senatchers
11. Apollo and Juliette
12. Area 51 Shades of Grey
13. Sirius Lee the Unforgettable
14. The Galactic Empire Strikes Back-er
15. Rebel Without a Cosmo
16. Guardians of the Galaxy Notes
17. Fly Me to the Moon Johnson
18. Cosmic Shelley
19. The Jetsons Astro-nomical
20. Interstellar-sting Rapper

“Out of This World Wordplay: Alien Spoonerisms That Will Abduct Your Funny Bone”

1. Bazinga Lien
2. Bar Trek Klingon
3. Mardi Gras Martian
4. Crocodile Krypton
5. Frying Haiku Raisin
6. Time Traveler Trimming Shrubs to Saturn
7. Launching Grapefruit to Jupiter
8. Funky Spaceman Monkey
9. Disco Inferno Extraterrestrial
10. Cartoon Moon Man
11. Slimy Stargazer
12. Cosmic Carrot Collector
13. Astral Avocado Advocate
14. Zodiac Zombie
15. Supernova Naan
16. Satellite Sausage
17. Planet Popcorn
18. Infinity Ingrown Inversion
19. Venusian Vacuum
20. Pluto Playdough

Galacti-Puns (Tom Swifties)

1. “I don’t believe in extraterrestrials,” said Tom skeptically.
2. “I think that spaceship is too small,” said Tom narrowly.
3. “I think the aliens are in the basement,” said Tom down-to-earth.
4. “I wonder if they have a leader,” said Tom spaciously.
5. “I don’t trust that little green man,” said Tom doubtfully.
6. “I’m feeling a bit alienated,” said Tom spaced-out.
7. “I’m ready for an encounter,” said Tom eagerly.
8. “I don’t think they’re friendly,” said Tom warily.
9. “I think that planet looks comfortable,” said Tom stargazingly.
10. “I’m not sure how to greet them,” said Tom awkwardly.
11. “I bet they’re fluent in space talk,” said Tom fluently.
12. “I feel like there’s more to the story,” said Tom astutely.
13. “I think they’re hiding something,” said Tom enigmatically.
14. “I wonder what their gadgets are like,” said Tom curiously.
15. “I think they’re observing us,” said Tom studiously.
16. “I’m not sure what to make of their appearance,” said Tom tentatively.
17. “I’m feeling a bit out of this world,” said Tom alienly.
18. I think I’m getting used to this space travel,” said Tom weightlessly.
19. “I think we met these aliens before,” said Tom reminiscently.
20. “I wonder if they have any alien currency,” said Tom spaciously.

Cosmic Comic Relief: Extraterrestrial Oxymoronic Puns

1. Why did the alien avoid Earth? Because it was full of lifeless humans.
2. Why did the alien refuse to eat human food? It was too worldly.
3. Did you hear about the alien who was caught stealing? He was a criminal mastermindless.
4. Why was the alien so bad at telling jokes? He had no sense of humor for Earth jokes.
5. Why did the alien always lose at poker? He didn’t understand the concept of a full house.
6. Why did the alien get a ticket for jaywalking? He didn’t know how to navigate cross-planet traffic.
7. Why did the alien refuse to play baseball? He thought the bases were round and the balls were diamond-shaped.
8. Why did the alien prefer to listen to classical music? He thought modern music was too alien to him.
9. Why did the alien fall asleep during the scary movie? He didn’t understand how humans could be scared of such trivial things.
10. Why did the alien refuse to wear a spacesuit in space? He thought it restricted his freedom of space movement.
11. Why did the alien never win at chess? He thought the queen was too powerful for a mere game piece.
12. Why did the alien always miss his home planet? He was feeling extraterrestrially homesick.
13. How did the alien enjoy his coffee? He always added a little bit of intergalactic cream.
14. Why did the alien refuse to play hide and seek? He thought the universe was too small to play such a large-scale game.
15. Why did the alien refuse to go on a date with a human? He thought it was too close of an encounter.
16. Why did the alien refuse to get a job as an artist? His work was too otherworldly for the humans.
17. Why did the alien refuse to eat Earth’s vegetables? He thought they were all too out of this world for him.
18. Why did the alien refuse to watch TV? He didn’t have a grasp of the Earth’s satellites.
19. What was the alien’s favorite hour of the day? Infinity O’clock.
20. Why did the alien refuse to go to the beach? He thought the sun was too close for comfort.

“Galacti-puns Among Us: A Recursive Comedy of Alien Proportions” (Recursive Alien Puns)

1. Why do aliens never phoned home? Because they spent all their change on Mars bars.
2. Why did the Martian refuse to eat sandwiches? Because he was bored of the same old tuna wrap.
3. What do you call a space walrus? An astro-bison.
4. How do Martians register their spaceships? At the parking meteor.
5. What do aliens use to fix their computers? A star screwdriver.
6. Did you hear about the alien who took up a job as a screenwriter? His favorite movie genre was Alienation.
7. Why did the little green men land on the golf course? They were looking for the perfect place to do some out-of-this-world putting.
8. What do you get when you cross an alien with a snowman? Frostbite.
9. What’s an alien’s favorite tree? The ET-ernut.
10. Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? He asked her to come home with him, but she said Uranus.
11. Did you hear about the aliens who tried to build a rocket out of cheese? They wanted to get to the Stilton nebula.
12. Why was the alien so bad at basketball? He kept shooting for the stars.
13. What do aliens send in their Christmas cards? Jingle bells, rocket smells, our spaceship hit a swell.
14. Why don’t aliens like to phone home? ET left his charger on Earth.
15. What do you get when you cross an alien with a snake? An outer snek-ta.
16. Did you hear about the alien who opened a hotel on the moon? It had the best crater-view.
17. Why did the alien refuse to eat the astronaut? He said he was full of space.
18. What do aliens use to take notes? A flying saucer.
19. Why did the alien cow cross the road? To get to the moooon.
20. What do you call an alien who’s great at math? An alge-bra-a.

Out of This World Humor: Alien Puns That Are Truly Extra-terrest-riific!

1. Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She was too “over the moon.”
2. What does an alien use to clean his spaceship? An “extra-terrestrial” cleaner.
3. How do aliens ensure their food doesn’t get cold? They use their “microwave” beams.
4. Why don’t aliens ever get sick? They have “out-of-this-world” immune systems.
5. What’s an alien’s favorite kind of meat? “NeBurrito.”
6. What do you call an alien who is always on time? “E.T. the punctual.”
7. Why did the aliens visit the sun? They wanted to “get some rays.”
8. What do you call an alien who sings? “A disco-stellar.”
9. Why was the alien chef bad at cooking? He didn’t understand “Planet Z’s ingriedients.”
10. How do aliens like their coffee? With a little “exo-space.”
11. What is the secret to an alien’s successful career? They’re willing to “outmost space limitations.”
12. Why did the alien’s kids end up with straight tentacles? They inherited their “parental tentacles.”
13. What do you get when you cross an alien with a snowman? An “extraterrestrial frost.”
14. Why do aliens always win at gambling? They have a “cosmic advantage.”
15. What type of exercise routine do aliens follow? An “interspace workout.”
16. Why did the alien want to go to the bank? He needed a “Z-illion credits.”
17. How do you play poker with aliens? You have to learn their “space rules.”
18. Why did the alien refuse to play tug of war? He was “out of this galaxy.”
19. Who do aliens call when their space craft breaks down? A “meteor-mechanic.”
20. Why did the alien visit Earth specifically? They were in search of “new living space.”

In conclusion, we hope these 200+ alien puns have given you a good laugh and brightened up your day. If you’re craving more pun-tastic humor, be sure to check out our other pun-filled articles on our website. Thank you for stopping by, and we appreciate your time spent with us!

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Punsteria Team

We're the wordplay enthusiasts behind the puns you love. As lovers of all things punny, we've combined our passion for humor and wordplay to bring you Punsteria. Our team is dedicated to collecting and curating puns that will leave you laughing, groaning, and eager for more.